API access error - Checking your browser before accessing xxx

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Posts: 218

API access error - Checking your browser before accessing xxx

Post by marisoft »


A site has been accessed a long time using the api.
Something is now changed on the server because we are getting this returned when retrieving a table:

		<h1><span>Checking your browser before accessing</span> xxx.dk</h1>
 * [js-sha256]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha256}
 * @version 0.9.0
 * @author ...
 * @copyright ...
 * @license MIT

and a lot more gibberish.

This behaviour is shown using v2023 and v2024.
What could cause this, and how to solve it?


Posts: 9862

Post by arbei »

I cannot find any feature in PHPMaker using js-sha256. The author is that of chartjs-plugin-labels, but chartjs-plugin-labels does not use js-sha256. You may google the error message and find more info, it seems that it is related to Cloudflare.

Posts: 218

Post by marisoft »

FYI hosting support has now replied this:

I have now heard back from our Technical team and as per se, it looks like the domain was under proof of work, due to being DDOSed.
From 3rd-level technicians:
I have removed the domain from proof of work and the application is now working with 200 status and returns the JSON data.

So all is good now :-)

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