PHPMaker v2024.16.0 Released

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Posts: 9464

PHPMaker v2024.16.0 Released

Post by Webmaster »

We are pleased to announce the official release of PHPMaker 2024.

PHPMaker 2024 is a huge upgrade from v2023. It is loaded with a bunch of new features, please refer to What's New in PHPMaker 2024 for more details.

The new version can be downloaded at the Download page.

Note Please read System Requirements before installing the new version, especially:

  • PHP >= 8.0.2
  • Node.js (includes npm) (LTS >= v18.17.0 or Current >= v20.3.0)

IMPORTANT Please make sure you read Migrating to v2024 first.

PHPMaker 2024 can co-exist with previous version of PHPMaker. You do NOT need to uninstall previous version of PHPMaker if you don't want to.

Before trying the new version, please backup your existing projects first.

To purchase license for PHPMaker 2024 or upgrade, please visit the Purchase page.

Upgrade policy remains unchanged. 6-month email support.

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/09/18 v2024.1.0

  • Improved: Check PHP and Node.js version
  • Improved: Load team encryption key from old version
  • Improved: Generate entities for views
  • Improved: Handle samesite cookie for social login
  • Improved: Find last modal footer to insert modal page buttons
  • Improved: Style sidebar/navbar-light as dark for dark mode
  • Improved: Add settings for Tiny API key (TinyMCE extension)
  • Fixed: Trusted connection and non default port number (MSSQL)
  • Fixed: Page object not found during lookup
  • Fixed: Plain theme
  • Fixed: SaveUploadFiles()
  • Fixed: Migration of User Level settings to database
  • Fixed: Infinite Scroll with file upload fields
  • Fixed: LDAP connection
  • Fixed: Table striped color (dark mode)
  • Fixed: Registration page
  • Fixed: Calendar report
  • Fixed: Export Master/Detail in View page
  • Fixed: Duplicated Language_Load server event
  • Fixed: Showing file upload error messages for import
  • Fixed: Map on modal View page
  • Fixed: Loading locale settings (UI)
  • Bootstrap v5.3.2
  • Updated: Luxon 3, FullCalendar Luxon 3, Google Maps MarkerClusterer, SweetAlert2, PDFObject, TinyMCE language files
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/10/02 v2024.2.0

  • Improved: DatabaseConnectingEvent
  • Improved: Protect log files (.htaccess)
  • Improved: Update composer.json for web push (for PHP 8.0)
  • Improved: HttpErrorHandler for production environment
  • Improved: Table border radius if no upper/lower panels
  • Improved: Allow using Conn() and related global functions in Global Code
  • Improved: Allow extensions with no file (UI)
  • Fixed: Registration page
  • Fixed: Composite unique index checking (for MSSQL)
  • Fixed: Calendar reports (for PostgreSQL/Oracle)
  • Fixed: Using JavaScript for Multi-Page in View/Edit pages
  • Fixed: Calendar year view (dark mode)
  • Fixed: Synchronization with fields with default value
  • Fixed: CSS file name with "Lowercase routes" enabled
  • Fixed: Table name in API routes with "Lowercase routes" enabled
  • Fixed: Accordion for detail tables
  • Fixed: Warning for Maintenance middleware (for PHP 8.2)
  • Fixed: Detecting boolean fields without user values
  • Fixed: Detecting INT data types on Turkish Windows
  • Fixed: Container compilation for production environment
  • Fixed: Checking validation type of field (TimePicker extension)
  • Fixed: Timezone (Chatify extension)
  • Updated: WebView2 v117.0.2045.47 (UI)
  • Updated: FullCalendar, SweetAlert2, Google Maps MarkerClusterer
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/10/17 v2024.3.0

  • Improved: Increase field mapping form size
  • Improved: Check if language file XML is well-formed
  • Improved: Border radius of tables in List and Preview pages
  • Improved: CustomTemplateCard
  • Improved: CSS for chat widget with plain theme
  • Improved: Check session timeout settings better
  • Improved: Set calendar start/end date/time format in Add/Edit pages
  • Improved: Check Preview Field (Preview extension)
  • Fixed: setCan*() methods
  • Fixed: Font name with non-alphanumeric characters
  • Fixed: Alternating row colors in reports
  • Fixed: Sending OTP by email
  • Fixed: Printer friendly page for Master/Detail View
  • Fixed: Timezone and allowed upload file types (Chatify extension)
  • Fixed: ReCaptchaTheme setting not removed (Recaptcha extension)
  • Fixed: Refreshing preivew tabs and detail counts (Preview extension)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/11/01 v2024.4.0

  • Improved: Apply RemoveXss() to "provider" argument
  • Improved: Use global debug setting for social login
  • Improved: Add ew.calendarOptions.popoverViews setting
  • Fixed: setCanXxx() methods
  • Fixed: Tooltip field in summary report
  • Fixed: Printer friendly page for detail grid
  • Fixed: Compiling .scss with non-alphanumeric font name
  • Fixed: Restoring filters for QueryBuilder
  • Fixed: Users table entity class
  • Fixed: Display value separator (client side)
  • Fixed: OtpOnly for hard code admin
  • Updated: SweetAlert2
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/11/28 v2024.5.0

  • Improved: Add EventManager()
  • Improved: Use InnoDB for demo project
  • Fixed: Target PHP version
  • Fixed: Tooltip field in summary report
  • Fixed: API Route for exporting List page
  • Fixed: Drilldown links for Crosstab reports
  • Fixed: Detecting SQLite primary key and view
  • Fixed: .visible() method of jQuery .fields plugin for Extended Search
  • Updated: WebView2 Runtime (v1.0.2151.40)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2, Luxon, Google Maps Marker Clusterer and date/time picker
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2023/12/19 v2024.6.0

  • Improved: Handle commas in filter values
  • Improved: Generate entity class for link table
  • Improved: Support point, citext and enum for PostgreSQL
  • Improved: Set dataset.circular setting for Pie / Doughnut / Polar Area charts
  • Improved: Ensure extension folder settings are not undefined
  • Improved: Add delay for auto submit (Two factor authentication)
  • Improved: Convert binary data to hex string when testing SQL in query builder (UI)
  • Fixed: OTP only
  • Fixed: CORS middleware for API
  • Fixed: Showing non-image files as links
  • Fixed: File input class in detail grid
  • Fixed: MultiUpdate setting of field
  • Fixed: Skip Null setting for reports
  • Fixed: Refresh dashboard reports with charts only
  • Fixed: Date time picker for non-English language in Edit pages
  • Updated: Chart.js, Font Awesome Free, FullCalendar, SweetAlert2, Google Maps Marker Clusterer and date/time picker
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/01/15 v2024.7.0

  • Improved: Check if PHP xml extension loaded
  • Improved: Change chart label display to "auto"
  • Improved: Check connection isTransactionActive()
  • Improved: Add advanced setting "Format phone number" (for SMS)
  • Improved: Save team encryption keys under HKCU\Software\PHPMaker\TeamEncryptionKeys
  • Fixed: PostgreSQL point type
  • Fixed: Lookup in Calendar Reports
  • Fixed: Default values and bit data type for entity class
  • Fixed: S3 bucket with encrypt file path disabled
  • Fixed: "User" property of class LdapConn
  • Fixed: Button groups in preview pages
  • Fixed: Page breaks in reports
  • Fixed: Card widget maximize/minimize icons
  • Fixed: Migrate static user levels (UI)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and date/time picker
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/02/12 v2024.8.0

  • Support SQL Server LocalDB
  • Improved: CSS style for TinyMCE
  • Improved: CSS style for tabular form
  • Improved: Add "focused" event for forms
  • Improved: Default values in entity classes
  • Improved: Check file upload path for temporary files
  • Improved: UpdateTable for ChangePassword/PersonData/Register pages
  • Improved: Add "newmessage.chatify" event (Chatify extension)
  • Improved: Support text alignment on export (PhpSpreadsheet/PhpWord extensions)
  • Fixed: Sending OTP in Register page
  • Fixed: Driver options for pdo_sqlsrv
  • Fixed: AuditTrailHandler for PHP 8.0
  • Fixed: PHP warning for class PersonalData
  • Fixed: Empty row checking for Detail Grid page
  • Fixed: Migrating static user levels to database
  • Fixed: Checking page break classes during export
  • Fixed: Fields with User Values and Table Head Filter enabled
  • Updated: SweetAlert2, Tabulator and date/time picker
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Many other minor improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/03/06 v2024.9.0

  • Improved: Google Maps (Custom View Tag)
  • Improved: Show deleted file name during folder clearing
  • Improved: Map MySQL tinyint to int or bool according to field settings
  • Fixed: z-index of Date/Time picker
  • Fixed: Condition attributes in control.xml
  • Fixed: Lookup filter for Filter fields
  • Fixed: Filter fields for reports
  • Fixed: Cache folder for API
  • Fixed: Error message for client side regular expression validator
  • Updated: Bootstrap, SweetAlert2, PDFObject, Tabulator and FullCalendar
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/04/08 v2024.10.0

  • Improved: Highlight date fields
  • Improved: Add event dispatcher and logger to SymfonyNotifierSms extension
  • Fixed: JsonEncode() for null
  • Fixed: Grid-Add/Edit Return Page
  • Fixed: Add max-width for PDFObject
  • Fixed: Export links for modal search
  • Fixed: UpdateTable for Reset Password Page
  • Fixed: PASSWORD Edit Tag data-table attribute
  • Fixed: UseAjaxActions with Master/Detail-Add/Edit
  • Fixed: Page/Recordset_Selecting server events for charts
  • Fixed: FileManager upload path (FileManager extension)
  • Updated: SweetAlert2 and Font Awesome Free
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/05/06 v2024.11.0

  • Improved: Prevent XSS for error page
  • Improved: "input" event for login 2fa page
  • Improved: Custom buttons for FullCalendar options
  • Improved: Register "ew" object as jsRender global helper
  • Improved: Save/Load language phrases from file (UI)
  • Fixed: Reading SAML claims
  • Fixed: Creating Custom Field for PostgreSQL
  • Fixed: Updating export links after Ajax actions
  • Fixed: Generating all files (F9) with No header/footer
  • Fixed: Filter list for summary report with Custom Template
  • Fixed: SymfonyNotifierSms extension
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Updated: Date/Time picker and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/06/03 v2024.12.0

  • Improved: Connection to Azure PostgreSQL with SSL (UI)
  • Improved: Check session ID for API file action
  • Improved: Custom Template dbvalue includes upload fields (varchar)
  • Improved: Enable display_errors and display_startup_errors for debugging
  • Fixed: "Clear project folder first" setting
  • Fixed: Deprecation notice for Sms class
  • Fixed: Master/Detail settings after modifying relationships (UI)
  • Fixed: Initiate field object Raw property if RemoveXSS extension not enabled
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Updated: FullCalendar, Chart.js and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/07/02 v2024.13.0

  • Improved: CurrentUserEmail()
  • Improved: Error handling in class Lookup
  • Improved: Support BLOB field as User Image field
  • Improved: Quote database identifier starting with digit
  • Improved: Remove empty file names for file upload fields
  • Fixed: Tooltips in Preview page
  • Fixed: Table entity name with schema
  • Fixed: AutoUpdate value in Update page
  • Fixed: HTML markup in Reset Password page
  • Fixed: "Seen" messages in Chatify extension
  • Fixed: Loading subscription table permission
  • Fixed: AdjustSqlForLike() for MSSQL/Oracle/SQLite
  • Fixed: Getting diagnostic message during LDAP connection
  • Fixed: Table-specific export type setting (UI)
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Updated: FullCalendar and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/08/01 v2024.14.0

  • Improved: Detecting PostgreSQL auto increment field with sequence
  • Improved: KeepCrLf property of Lookup class
  • Improved: .fields() plugin .visible() method
  • Fixed: Multi-Column with Grid-Add/Edit
  • Fixed: Cancel button text in Search page
  • Fixed: Searching integer field with value = 0
  • Fixed: Saving query builder search values
  • Fixed: Client side IS_RTL property
  • Fixed: RTL CSS for Select2
  • Fixed: Maps in modal dialog
  • Fixed: Attributes class append/prepend() methods
  • Updated: PhpSpreadsheet extension
  • Updated: TinyMCE, Font Awesome Free, FullCalendar and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/09/02 v2024.15.0

  • Improved: Log SQL before execution
  • Improved: Add setting for Git
  • Improved: Add "Log all export requests" advanced setting
  • Fixed: FileManager security
  • Fixed: Copying language files
  • Fixed: Inline-Edit Cancel button URL
  • Fixed: Toggle password if not hashed
  • Fixed: Delete grid row for Multi-Column
  • Fixed: Loading custom field (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: Generate non-English language templates in utf-8
  • Fixed: TblDefault/EntityName when copying table settings
  • Fixed: Report sorting for 2nd and subsequent grouping fields
  • Updated: WebView2 1.0.2739 (UI)
  • Updated: Chart.js, Luxon, TinyMCE and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9464

Post by Webmaster »

2024/10/01 v2024.16.0

  • Use sass 1.77.6
  • Fixed: Page size selector
  • Fixed: Encrypting ConnInfo
  • Fixed: Copying language files
  • Fixed: IsEmptyPath() checking
  • Fixed: Radio buttons with same name in different detail pages
  • Fixed: Global server events for calendar reports
  • Fixed: Linked table as users table
  • Fixed: Clear project folder first (UI)
  • Updated: WebView2 1.0.2792 (UI)
  • Updated: Date/Time picker and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
