Show modal page after user is logged in (v2021)

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Location: Guayaquil - Ecuador

Show modal page after user is logged in (v2021)

Post by onoboa »


I have a contact page witch I want to show after the user logged in, in the table properties I check in the Add Page section like Modal dialog but when I run my page this not appears like a modal page.

This is my code in Login Page -> User LoggedIn

function User_LoggedIn($usr)
  if ($usr == "demo"){

please another way to show the page in modal?


PhpMaker 2021

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

The property of the modal in Add Page, is not so that when you refresh the page it appears as if it were a modal all the page, it is so that when you click the add button, it appears as a modal all the form or the page itself.

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