ASP.NET Maker 2024.8.0 Released

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Posts: 9438

ASP.NET Maker 2024.8.0 Released

Post by Webmaster »

We are pleased to announce the official release of ASP.NET Maker 2024.

The new version can be downloaded at:

ASP.NET Maker 2024 is a major upgrade from v2023 and is loaded with a bunch of new features, including many frequently requested ones, please refer to What's New in ASP.NET Maker 2024 for details.


  • Requires .NET 8.0.
  • If you upgrade from previous versions, please make sure you read Migrating to v2024 before you try the new version.

ASP.NET Maker 2024 uses ASP.NET Core 8 MVC in C#. It does NOT support older or other versions of ASP.NET, including Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Pages, VB, older versions of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core 1.x-5.x or ASP.NET Core Razor Pages.

ASP.NET Maker 2024 can co-exist with previous version of ASP.NET Maker. You do NOT need to uninstall previous version of ASP.NET Maker if you still need to work with older version of ASP.NET Core.

Before trying the new version, please backup your existing projects first.

To purchase license for ASP.NET Maker 2024 or upgrade, please visit:

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/02/05 v2024.1.0

  • Supports SQL Server LocalDB
  • Fixed: Entity class default values
  • Fixed: Sending OTP in Register page
  • Fixed: Handle ApplicationUser conflicts by alias
  • Fixed: Handle table entity/property name conflicts
  • Fixed: Handle header conflicts for Windows and JWT Authentication
  • Fixed: GetRgbaColor() for non-English culture
  • Updated: MarkerClusterer, SweetAlert2, Date/Time picker and Tabulator
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/03/05 v2024.2.0

  • Improved: Error handling for push notification
  • Improved: Change HttpSession.JsonSerializerSettings to static property
  • Improved: Show deleted file name during folder clearing
  • Improved: Google Maps (Custom View Tag)
  • Fixed: z-index of Date/Time picker
  • Fixed: Export to email
  • Fixed: Export selected records
  • Fixed: Ldap_Validated server event
  • Fixed: Condition attributes in control.xml
  • Fixed: Ambiguous table object in CustomRoleStore
  • Fixed: Entity names and SignalR connection URL (Chat extension)
  • Updated: Bootstrap, SweetAlert2, PDFObject, Tabulator and FullCalendar
  • Updated: WebView2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/04/03 v2024.3.0

  • Improved: Add max-width for PDFObject
  • Improved: Table entity name keyword checking
  • Improved: Fallback HtmlSanitizer version (to avoid problems with 8.1.860.beta)
  • Improved: Synchronizing projects with user image/email/phone fields
  • Fixed: Permission checking for calendar reports
  • Fixed: IsApi() for website with base path
  • Fixed: Synchronizing old projects with empty connection method
  • Fixed: Some MSSQL data types
  • Fixed: Table names starting with digits
  • Fixed: Master record
  • Fixed: Detail grid
  • Updated: Font Awesome Free and SweetAlert2
  • Updated: WebView2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/05/06 v2024.4.0

  • Improved: Prevent XSS in Error.cshtml
  • Improved: Input event in login 2FA page
  • Improved: Save/Load language phrases from file
  • Improved: Skip HTML encoding for Auto-fill text
  • Improved: Custom buttons option for FullCalendar
  • Improved: Register 'ew' as jsRender global helper
  • Fixed: Highlight date fields
  • Fixed: Multi-language phrases
  • Fixed: Sending registration email
  • Fixed: HTML editor in cards layout
  • Fixed: Lookup filter for multi-select
  • Fixed: API list action without lowercase routes
  • Updated: WebView2
  • Updated: Date/Time picker and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/06/03 v2024.5.0

  • Improved: Connection to Azure PostgreSQL with SSL (UI)
  • Improved: Check session ID for API file action
  • Improved: Custom Template dbvalue includes upload fields (varchar)
  • Fixed: "Clear project folder first" setting
  • Fixed: Export to email for View page with Custom Template
  • Fixed: Master/Detail settings after modifying relationships (UI)
  • Updated: FullCalendar, Chart.js and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/07/02 v2024.6.0

  • Improved: Error handling in class Lookup
  • Improved: Support BLOB field as User Image field
  • Improved: Quote database identifier starting with digit
  • Improved: Remove empty file names for file upload fields
  • Fixed: Tooltips in Preview page
  • Fixed: AdjustSqlForLike() for MSSQL/Oracle/SQLite
  • Fixed: AutoUpdate value in Update page
  • Fixed: HTML markup in Reset Password page
  • Fixed: Loading subscription table permission
  • Fixed: Table-specific export type setting (UI)
  • Updated: WebView2 (UI)
  • Updated: FullCalendar and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/08/01 v2024.7.0

  • Improved: Detecting PostgreSQL auto increment field with sequence
  • Improved: KeepCrLf property of Lookup class
  • Improved: .fields() plugin .visible() method
  • Fixed: Multi-Column with Grid-Add/Edit
  • Fixed: Cancel button text in Search page
  • Fixed: Saving query builder search values
  • Fixed: RTL CSS for Select2
  • Fixed: Maps in modal dialog
  • Fixed: Checking export record key
  • Fixed: Master User ID checking
  • Updated: SignalR, TinyMCE, Font Awesome Free, FullCalendar and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

2024/09/02 v2024.8.0

  • Improved: Add setting for Git
  • Improved: Add "Log all export requests" advanced setting
  • Fixed: HTTP logging
  • Fixed: Chart caption
  • Fixed: Copying language files
  • Fixed: Write audit trail to database
  • Fixed: Scripts in Code Repository
  • Fixed: Inline-Edit Cancel button URL
  • Fixed: Toggle password if not hashed
  • Fixed: Delete grid row for Multi-Column
  • Fixed: Loading custom field (PostgreSQL)
  • Fixed: Generate non-English language templates in utf-8
  • Fixed: TblDefault/EntityName when copying table settings
  • Updated: WebView2 1.0.2739 (UI)
  • Updated: Chart.js, Luxon, TinyMCE and SweetAlert2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
