Ical/ics file

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Posts: 29

Ical/ics file

Post by aiden »

I manage an activities website where people can reserve activities. After making a reservation, customers receive a confirmation email containing the appointment date and time, along with other relevant details. How can I add in ASP.NET an .ics file as a link in the email so that when a customer clicks on it, they are immediately redirected to their calendar to add the appointment?

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Use the Email_Sending server event.

Posts: 29

Post by aiden »

I have the email functions in the row_inserted and moved the codes from there to Email_sending and then the mail function didn't work anymore in the email_sending I can't receive/send emails. Do you have a solution for this?

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Show your codes.

You can also open your project with Visual Studio and add a break point there to debug your codes.

Posts: 29

Post by aiden »

Now emailing works in the email-sending server event and I have also been able to add the ical file, but when someone clicks on the file, they are redirected to their calendar and the appointment information is not displayed + the file is only displayed in Outlook, not in Gmail.

public virtual bool EmailSending(EmailBase email, dynamic? args) {
//Common - Email_Sending - Reserveren;
//Belangrijk om ook de Email Notifications aan te zetten in de settings bij Tables;
if (CurrentPageID() == "add") { // If Add page
email.Sender = "aiden2@gmail.com";
email.Recipient = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ReserverenEmailadres FROM Reserveren WHERE ReserverenId='" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString();
email.Cc = "";
email.Bcc = "";
email.Subject = " bevestiging van je reservering";
email.Content = ""; // Voeg extra inhoud toe
email.Format = "html";
email.Charset = "utf-8";

    // Haal de benodigde informatie uit de database
    string reserverenNaam = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ReserverenNaam FROM Reserveren WHERE Reserveren.ReserverenId = '" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString().ToLower(); // eerste letter naar hoofdletter converteren
    reserverenNaam = char.ToUpper(reserverenNaam[0]) + reserverenNaam.Substring(1); // eerste letter hoofdletter maken
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse(ExecuteScalar("SELECT AgendaDatumTijdstipVanaf FROM Reserveren,Agenda WHERE ReserverenAgendaId=AgendaId AND Reserveren.ReserverenId = '" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString());
    string durationText = "60";
    string activiteitNaam = ExecuteScalar("SELECT AgendaActiviteit FROM Reserveren, Agenda WHERE ReserverenAgendaId=AgendaId AND Reserveren.ReserverenId = '" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString();

    // Tijd omzetten naar uren:minuten formaat
    string startTimeFormatted = startTime.ToString("HH:mm");

    // Opstellen van de e-mailinhoud
    string imgTag = "<a href='https://www.selexions.nl/' target='_blank'><img src='https://www.selexions.nl/uploadfiles/klank.jpg' alt='Selexions' style='width: 100%; display: block; margin: 0 auto;' /></a>";
    string footer = "<div style='background-color: #fd7e14; color: white; padding: 10px;'>" +
            "Telefoonnummer: <a href='tel:0464110136' style='color: white;'>046-4110136</a><br/>" +
            "E-mail: <a href='mailto:klankschalen@selexions.nl' style='color: white;'>klankschalen@selexions.nl</a></div>";
    string bodyContent = "<font size='2' face='Tahoma'><BR><body bgcolor='#E5E5E5'> Beste " + reserverenNaam + ",<BR><BR>" + "Je reservering hebben we in goede orde ontvangen.<BR><BR>" + "Activiteit: <b>" + activiteitNaam + "</b><BR><BR>" + "Datum: <b>" + startTime.ToShortDateString() + "</b><BR>" + "Tijd: <b>" + startTimeFormatted + " uur</b><BR>" + "Duur: <b>" + durationText + " <b>minuten</b></b><BR>" + "<BR>" + "We willen je vragen om 10 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig te zijn, zodat we in alle rust en op tijd kunnen beginnen met " + activiteitNaam.ToLower() + ".<BR><BR>" + "We verheugen ons op je komst!" + "<BR><BR>" + "Met vriendelijke groet," + "<BR><BR>" + "Selexions klankschalen<BR><BR>" + "</font>";
    email.Content = imgTag + bodyContent + footer;
    email.Format = "html";
    email.Charset = "utf-8";

    // Generate iCal content
    DateTime endTime = startTime.AddHours(2); // Example end time
    string location = "reserverenAdres, reserverenPostcode, reserverenWoonplaats"; // Update with actual location
    string summary = "Your Event Summary"; // Update with event summary

    string icsContent = $"BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n" +
                        $"VERSION:2.0\n" +
                        $"PRODID:-//ASPNETMaker//EN\n" +
                        $"BEGIN:VEVENT\n" +
                        $"DTSTAMP:{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")}\n" +
                        $"UID:{Guid.NewGuid()}\n" +
                        $"SUMMARY:{summary}\n" +
                        $"DESCRIPTION:Afspraak voor {reserverenNaam}\n" + // Update with actual description
                        $"LOCATION:{location}\n" +
                        $"DTSTART:{startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")}\n" +
                        $"DTEND:{endTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ")}\n" +
                        $"END:VEVENT\n" +

    // Save iCal content to a temporary file
    string tempFilePath = @"\\selexions\Inetpub\selexions\klankschalentest\ical.ics";
    File.WriteAllText(tempFilePath, icsContent); // Fixed the variable name to match the content

    // Add iCal file as attachment

    // Send email
    SendEmail(email.Sender, email.Recipient, email.Cc, email.Bcc, email.Subject, email.Content, email.Format, email.Charset);

    // Clean up: delete temporary file
return true;


Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Try passing your content directly to the AddAttachment method:

email.AddAttachment(tempFilePath, icsContent);

Posts: 29

Post by aiden »

Succeeded, thank you very much! When someone makes a reservation, they receive double confirmation emails instead of one. Do you know why that happens? I actually want one confirmation email to go to the customer after making the reservation and one to me.

public virtual bool EmailSending(EmailBase email, dynamic? args) {
//Common - Email_Sending - Reserveren;
//Belangrijk om ook de Email Notifications aan te zetten in de settings bij Tables;
if (CurrentPageID() == "add") {
if (!Empty(ReserverenEmailadres.CurrentValue)) {

        //1 email naar ons kantoor: 
        email.Recipient = "info@aiden.nl";
        email.Cc = "";
        email.Bcc = "";

        //en dan 1 nieuwe mail naar de persoon die de reservering maakt verstuurd wordt:
        email.Recipient = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ReserverenEmailadres FROM Reserveren WHERE ReserverenId='" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString();
        email.Cc = "";
        email.Bcc = "";

        // Haal de benodigde informatie uit de database
        string reserverenNaam = ExecuteScalar("SELECT ReserverenNaam FROM Reserveren WHERE ReserverenId='" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString().ToLower(); // eerste letter naar hoofdletter converteren
        reserverenNaam = char.ToUpper(reserverenNaam[0]) + reserverenNaam.Substring(1); // eerste letter hoofdletter maken
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse(ExecuteScalar("SELECT AgendaDatumTijdstipVanaf FROM Reserveren,Agenda WHERE ReserverenAgendaId=AgendaId AND Reserveren.ReserverenId = '" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "'").ToString());
        string durationText = "60";
        string activiteitNaam = ExecuteScalar("SELECT AgendaActiviteit FROM Agenda WHERE AgendaId = (SELECT ReserverenAgendaId FROM Reserveren WHERE ReserverenId='" + ReserverenId.CurrentValue + "')").ToString();
        // Tijd omzetten naar uren:minuten formaat
        string startTimeFormatted = startTime.ToString("HH:mm");

       // Genereer inhoud voor het ICS-bestand
        string icsContent = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" +
        "VERSION:2.0\r\n" +
        "PRODID:-//Selexions//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n" +
        "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" +
        "UID:" + Guid.NewGuid() + "@gmail.nl\r\n" +
        "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:aiden@gmail.nl\r\n" +
        "DTSTAMP:" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\r\n" +
        "DTSTART:" + startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ") + "\r\n" +
        "SUMMARY:" + activiteitNaam + "\r\n" + // Hier voeg je de activiteitnaam toe
        "DESCRIPTION:Klik op Accepteren om de afspraak in je agenda te plaatsen.\r\n" +
        "LOCATION:Jansstaart 6, 4321 HK heerlen\r\n" +
        "END:VEVENT\r\n" +

        // Opstellen van de e-mailinhoud
        string imgTag = "<a href='https://www.test.nl/' target='_blank'><img src='https://www.selexions.nl/uploadfiles/klank.jpg' alt='Selexions' style='width: 100%; display: block; margin: 0 auto;' /></a>";
        string footer = "<div style='background-color: #fd7e14; color: white; padding: 10px;'>" +
                "Adres: <a href='https://www.google.com/maps?q=Barbarastraat+26,+6164+HK+Geleen' target='_blank' style='color: white;'>Barbarastraat 26, 6164 HK Geleen</a><br/>" +
                "Telefoonnummer: <a href='tel:0464110136' style='color: white;'>046-4110136</a><br/>" +
                "E-mail: <a href='mailto:klankschalen@selexions.nl' style='color: white;'>klankschalen@selexions.nl</a></div>";
        string bodyContent = "<font size='2' face='Tahoma'><BR><body bgcolor='#E5E5E5'> Beste " + reserverenNaam + ",<BR><BR>" + "Je reservering hebben we in goede orde ontvangen.<BR><BR>" + "Activiteit: <b>" + activiteitNaam + "</b><BR><BR>" + "Datum: <b>" + startTime.ToShortDateString() + "</b><BR>" + "Tijd: <b>" + startTimeFormatted + " uur</b><BR>" + "Duur: <b>" + durationText + " <b>minuten</b></b><BR>" + "<BR>" + "We willen je vragen om 10 minuten voor aanvang aanwezig te zijn, zodat we in alle rust en op tijd kunnen beginnen met de activiteit" + ".<BR><BR>" + "We verheugen ons op je komst!" + "<BR><BR>" + "Met vriendelijke groet," + "<BR><BR>" + "Selexions klankschalen & more<BR><BR>" + "P.S. Voor ons is het belangrijk dat deze activiteit een waardevolle ervaring voor je is. We waarderen het daarom enorm als je ons na afloop vertelt over hoe je de activiteit hebt ervaren!<BR><BR>" + "</font>";
        email.Content = imgTag + bodyContent + footer;

        // Genereer een unieke bestandsnaam voor het ICS-bestand
        string icsFileName = "Toevoegen aan agenda.ics";

        // Voeg het ICS-bestand toe aan de e-mail als bijlage
        email.AddAttachment(icsFileName, icsContent);

        // Verstuur de e-mail
        SendEmail(email.Sender, email.Recipient, email.Cc, email.Bcc, email.Subject, email.Content, email.Format, email.Charset);
return true;


Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

You can also open your project with Visual Studio and add a break point there to debug your codes.

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