Enable Chat and Chatting between Two Applications

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Posts: 71

Enable Chat and Chatting between Two Applications

Post by ethanlazarus »

Just setup Chat / Chatify - great instructions worked on first try. Two questions:

1) How can I make the default behavior so chat is enabled on login (vs having to select enable chat from the user menu)?
2) Is it possible to set this up between two tables? I have a separate application for staff and for clients - staff is staffinfo, clients is ptinfo. Is there a way for clients logged in as ptinfo to chat to my staff logged in as staffinfo?


Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

  1. You may use User_Validated server event and set:

    if (!IsSysAdmin()) Profile()->setChatEnabled(true);

  2. No, I don't think you can. However, the docs said you can create another table as the users table for the chatting feature, and insert only the users that you allow chatting into the table. If your two apps use the same database, you should be able to create another table (with users from both apps) as the users table for the chat app.

Posts: 71

Post by ethanlazarus »

Thanks! Is there any way to restrict who can chat with who? For example users can't see other users of user level 2, but can chat with support staff who are user level 4? I realize probably not. Thx.

Posts: 9787

Post by arbei »

No, there is not.

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