route index not found

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Posts: 1090

route index not found

Post by sticcino »

just upgraded to 2023 and am using a 2022 project to upgrade and am running into a few quirks.

first one is:
Slim \ Exception \ HttpNotFoundException (404)
Route 'index.php' not found.

as well receiving this

then am gettng a few crypto errors as well:
defuse\crypto\exception\WrongKeyOrModifiedCiphertextException with
message integrity check failed

with message bad version header @cryto line 313

above error 4 times then
back to integrity check failed

chiphertext is too short @ crypto.php 304

the "index page" appears with the route index.php not found - no menu or login prompts.

didn't really change anything for this to happen

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Since v2021, there is no need to call filename in URL. Just call the route in the URL (without .php extension file).

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