Please provide the AdminLTE Dark option from HTML -> Theme -> Theme, so that it will automatically adjust the related settings from the CSS variables below.
Thank you.
Please provide the AdminLTE Dark option from HTML -> Theme -> Theme, so that it will automatically adjust the related settings from the CSS variables below.
Thank you.
It should be even better if user can choose either:
Bootstrap 5.2 does not fully support dark mode yet, AdminLTE 3.2 supports dark mode for Bootstrap 4 only, so I believe there is no official support on dark mode yet. However, since PHPMaker v2023 customized AdminLTE 3.2 for Bootstrap 5.2, there is some basic support on dark mode. Under the HTML -> Theme tab, search "enable-dark-mode", generate all scripts again, then you should be able to enable dark mode by adding the CSS class "dark-mode" to the <body> tag. (Remember to press Ctrl + F5 in your browser to refresh the .css files.)
I think it will be even better if the template can provide a dropdown menu for user to choose light or dark mode by clicking a brush icon on upper right corner, just like this forum. :D
However, when we use sidebar-light-*
class for the Sidebar from Theme -> AdminLTE -> Sidebar class, then after switching it to dark-mode, the Sidebar still remains in light-mode.
Just a friendly suggestion, the Sidebar should be able to adjust to dark-mode, too. It is too dazzled to see the white Sidebar in a dark-mode display.