Using field values in Page_Exporting (v2022)

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Posts: 579

Using field values in Page_Exporting (v2022)

Post by philmills »

In Page_Exporting under View Page I'd like to use field values for things like the title of the page, and filename etc.
something like this:

public function pageExporting()
	global $ExportFileName;
	$ExportFileName = "StudentCard_".$this->StudentID->CurrentValue;
        if ($this->Export == "pdf") { 
		$this->ExportDoc->Text = "<style>td { font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}</style>";
           	$this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<h1 style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>Student Card | ".$this->StudentID->ViewValue."</h1>"; // Add title
		$this->ExportDoc->Text .= "<img src='".$school_logo()."' width='200' style='float: right;'></img>";
        return true; // Return true to use default export and skip Row_Export event

It doesn't seem like field values can be used within this function, even though the exported pdf is loaded with field values...
What's the best method for this?

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

The Page_Exporting is fired before export, the data is not loaded yet, you may customize the ExportPdf class and override the exportHeaderAndFooter() method.

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Alternatively, you may use ExecuteScalar global function in order to get your desired value from database.

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

mobhar wrote:

Alternatively, you may use ExecuteScalar global function in order to get your desired value from database.

This would probably be the most flexible, but does Page_Exporting even know the id of the record being displayed? If so how do I pass that id into the ExecuteScalar query?
is there a session already created that contains the record id ?

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

Wow, it seems like $this->MyField->CurrentValue actually does work. It's only $this->MyField->ViewValue that I can't use.
This is great, and it means I can use ExecuteScalar to get view values as needed.
Looks like issue is solved

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

I'm updating this for v2023 +

It seems that $this->MyField->CurrentValue no longer works to get field value into an export filename.
I would use ExecuteScalar to get the values I need, but I need the current record ID for that.
Is there already a var defined for the current record ID (it's the URL) ?

Posts: 579

Post by philmills »

I couldn't find any record id variable which would work in page_Exporting
So I had to extract the id from the URL:

// Get the current URL
$currentUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

// Split the URL by '/' to get an array of URL segments
$urlSegments = explode('/', trim($currentUrl, '/'));

// Get the last segment and trim any extra characters
$lastSegment = end($urlSegments);
$lastSegment = trim($lastSegment, '?'); // Remove any trailing '?'

// Check if the last segment contains a number
if (is_numeric($lastSegment)) {
    // The last segment is numeric, so it's the record ID
    $recordId = $lastSegment;

    // Output the extracted record ID
} else {
    // Handle the case where no number is found
    $recordId = "0";

After that I could use ExecuteScalar to grab the other values I needed in the pdf header section.
So it's working now but its messy

If there a global variable I can reference it would be better.

Posts: 11905

Post by mobhar »

Assume your id field name is OrderID, then you may simply use the following code to check the output in PageRender server event:

$this->setMessage("OrderID = " . Route("OrderID"));

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