How can I add a dynamic link in one field making click with more than 1 parameters

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Posts: 34

How can I add a dynamic link in one field making click with more than 1 parameters

Post by sapaypape80 »

I would like to know how I can add a link into a field of the table, for example, actually I have a list of Invoices, then, when we click on the name of the client, it links to the client page view... Actually I made this in "Hyperlink" box adding href field (client id) and adding the prefix a suffix with the path of the url.
The problem is when I need to add this link with more parameters.... linking to a page in which I added an advance search using some fields... then, the href field is not fine for me, because it only works with 1 id.
How can I make this? Any solution?

For example, this is a link I need to add:
detalbrepartopedidoslist.php?x_codpedido="I need here the dynamic number with then id" &z_codpedido=%3D&x_tipoalbaran=02&z_tipoalbaran=%3D&x_codclasealbaran=3&z_codclasealbaran=%3D&x_codproducto="I need here the dynamic number with then id"&z_codproducto=%3D&cmd=search

Thanks in advance

Posts: 9367

Post by arbei »

In such case you need to use Row_Rendered server event to set the HrefValue property of the field, e.g.

$this->Field1->HrefValue = "/my/base/path/mylist.php?x_field2=" . urlencode($this->Field2->DbValue) . "&..."; // Assume you use the DbValue of other field

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