Api_Action - protected resource with JWT (v2021)

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Posts: 113

Api_Action - protected resource with JWT (v2021)

Post by Andros »

Hi, I wrote this custom API_Action. This is OPEN api, so I can reach it throu POSTMAN without JWT.
Ho can I check JWT token instead (ANM 2021)?

public class GetTableController : ApiController {
    public IActionResult Get([FromBody] Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject data) {
    	string sSQL = "";
    	string columns = INOE(data["Columns"])?"*":sobj(data["Columns"]);
    	string table = INOE(data["Table"])?"":sobj(data["Table"]);
    	string where = INOE(data["Where"])?"TRUE":sobj(data["Where"]);
    	try {
    		sSQL = $"SELECT {columns} FROM `{table}` WHERE {where};";
    	    var rs = ExecuteRows(sSQL);
    	    return Json(rs); // Get the value from route
    	} catch (Exception e) {
            myLogger($"Error: {e}");
            myLogger($"Last SQL: {sSQL}");
            return Ok(new {success=false, message=e.ToString()});

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

Assuming you have already logged in using the Login API and get the JWT Token, you should be able to login the user using the JWT Token:

        // Get Security object
        Security = ResolveSecurity();

        // Login user
        if (!IsLoggedIn() && !Empty(ClaimValue(ClaimTypes.Name)))
            Security.LoginUser(ClaimValue(ClaimTypes.Name), ClaimValue("Id"), ClaimValue("ParentUserId"), ClaimValue("UserLevelId") ?? "-2");

Posts: 113

Post by Andros »

Let's say that we obtained the JWT from the LOGIN API.
I have an API_ACTION.
From your code (a part of ValidAPIRequest function) I don't understand how I can I check the JWT obtained from the LOGIN API.
I tried to do this: this is my code. It is always valid even if I dont pass the "Authorization" header or if I pass a wrong JWT. What is wrong?

public class GetTableController : ApiController {
    public IActionResult Post(object jsonData) {

        var security = ResolveSecurity();
        if (IsApi()) { // API
        	myLogger("THIS IS API CALL");
        	if (ValidApiRequest()) {
        		myLogger("THIS IS A VALID API REQUEST");
        		//So here I can run my AUTHENTICATED code block
            } else {
            	myLogger("THIS IS A NOT VALID API REQUEST");
            	return Ok(new {success=false, message="NO VALID REQUEST"});

         } else {
            	myLogger("NO IS API");
            	return Ok(new {success=false, message="NO VALID REQUEST"});

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

You need to add your own checking. For example:

if (security.IsLoggedIn) { // Check if logged in
//... processing here

Posts: 113

Post by Andros »

ok. does the security.IsLoggedIn check the JWT sent thru the authorization header request or do I have to check its validity by myself?

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

The security.IsLogged is from Advanced Security of ASP.NET Maker, not related to JWT. To check JWT also,

In v2021, you can try using attribute for your controller:

[Authorize(Policy = "JwtUserLevel")]

In v2022, you should use:

[Authorize(Policy = "ApiUserLevel")]

Posts: 113

Post by Andros »

This is my code modified as suggested (ANM 2021)
It gives to me the following error. I haven't found in ANM source any reference to JwtUserLevel... maybe ApiUserLevel?

System.InvalidOperationException: The AuthorizationPolicy named: 'JwtUserLevel' was not found.

Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Authorization: Bearer: 123
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 66
Content-Type: application/json
Host: kidsappmobileapi.local
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.2
Postman-Token: 879b5987-2f4c-48c8-9ff6-2e90f66516d7
[Authorize(Policy = "JwtUserLevel")]
public class GetTableController : ApiController {
    public IActionResult Post(object jsonData) {

        var security = ResolveSecurity();
        if (IsApi()) { // API
        	if (ValidApiRequest()) {

        		myLogger("SI VALIDAPIREQUEST");
        		if ((security.IsLoggedIn)) {
        			myLogger("SI ISLOGGEDIN");        		
        			//here I have my code block to run for JWT AUTHENTICATED users
    			} else {
            		myLogger("NO ISLOGGEDIN");
            		return Ok(new {success=false, message="NO LOGGED IN"});
            } else {
            	myLogger("NO VALIDAPIREQUEST");
            	return Ok(new {success=false, message="NO VALID REQUEST"});

         } else {
            	myLogger("NO IS API");
            	return Ok(new {success=false, message="NO VALID REQUEST"});

Posts: 1171

Post by MichaelG »

It should be: (both v2021 and v2022)

[Authorize(Policy = "ApiUserLevel")]

You better open your project in Visual Studio 2022 to test and debug your codes directly.

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