Printer friendly print without color

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Posts: 35

Printer friendly print without color

Post by Neelima »


When we export as printer friendly the preview shows colors but when we save as pdf it preview without color and save pdf without color.

Current filters: block appears in color but table header and data grid are without color and border.

Any idea why this happens ?

I enabled the print background and color option .


Posts: 11728

Post by mobhar »

It could be happened, since Export to Print (Printer Friendly) does not use the specific class to change the . In other words, this feature only gets the data with style from the default theme that used by your web application.

However, you may actually create your own class that extends the ExportBase class in order to change the style of Printer Friendly feature.

For your reference, please read "Example 1" from "Server Events and Client Scripts" -> "Global" -> "All Pages" -> "Global Code".

Posts: 9388

Post by arbei »

You may try customize the ewpdf.scss in the dompdf extension.

Posts: 1

Post by BobbyLuashy »

A printer-friendly print is a version of a document or webpage that is optimized for printing, typically by removing or simplifying elements that are not necessary for the printed version. This can include things like images, background colors, and other formatting that may not be necessary or may use up a lot of ink.

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