no-compile option

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Posts: 37

Re: no-compile option

Post by cheemingyong »

hi is there a way to toggle the "no-compile" option for the maker generated code ?
i read that .net core has this "no-compile" developer experience feature which i am wondering if is supported by maker

i was trying to modify the contents of the generated code after generating them using maker in visual studio.

in visual studio,i ran debug > start without debugging and fired up the web application and logged into it
i notice if i made changes to the .cshtml files, the application will remain logged in
however if i changed the .cs files example the page_load sections, the application will log out

maybe a "user id for debugging" login in the security settings
that is in the debug mode we can specify an auto login based on a user id so we do not need to
keep entering the user id and password after re-generating the code.

i wonder if there's an easy way of doing this for now

is there a way to keep the user logged in if i modify the .cs files ?

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

No, you can't, .NET Core needs to recompile your scripts so the application can be run.

You can enable Tools -> Advanced Settings -> "Use dotnet-watch" and use "Browse after generate (or if you use command prompt you can run your app by "dotnet watch run"), then .NET Core will auto re-compile when change is detected.

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