Drag & Drop ordering

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Posts: 1

Drag & Drop ordering

Post by Digipark »

Is there a plugin, method, etc., to do drag and drop ordering of a table? I'm looking for something more user-friendly than manually entering a number inrto a column for the order you want a row to be displayed in.

What I'm looking for is the ability for someone to drag and drop the order of RECORDS in a table. I can make a field as an 'order' column but what I'd like is an easy way for the records to be ordered. Is that ability in phpMaker, or is there an Extension someone has written that does that?


Posts: 11818

Post by mobhar »

Drag-and-drop the order of records is not supported. However, you can change the order of records by clicking on the table header of a column/field in the List Page; whether Ascending (ASC) or Descending (DESC).

Posts: 3

Post by gtasic »


this is exactly what I am looking for. Anybody has idea how to acomplish?
If there is plugin(jQuery...) how to implement in phpmaker?

Posts: 480

Post by Adam »

It's possible to do it using jQuery and some additional coding to handle the resequencing within the DB, but it's definitely not a "drop-in" solution.

If you really need it now then look at the various jQuery solutions and you should be able to hack something together.

Posts: 64

Post by netenken1 »

I am also finding solution about change/resorting record 'showorder' field by drag and drap generated UI script...

I've found a plugin is the solution, url = johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/

But I think we don't need the 'supports nested containers' , just sortable function by drag and drop already pretty well

Posts: 642

Post by kirondedshem »

I got a bit interested so I googled and landed on a library called "HTML5 Sortable" at url = github.com/lukasoppermann/html5sortable. They have an example in thier docs of a sortable table at the botttom.

For those still interested Ive pasted solution in submitted tips as "Drag and Drop reodering of Table records" on viewtopic.php?f=18&t=41539

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