One user multiple levels

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Posts: 17

One user multiple levels

Post by davor »

after login this user can use all securities from all levels

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

Use TablePermission_Loading server event, see Server Events and Client Scripts in the help file.

Posts: 17

Post by davor »

I am trying to develop software where users are to be added by their Admin himself, I don't know the list of users upfront.
Therefore the only option is to make editable cross table users/levels where one user can have multiple levels access.
for example,
Q manager level can do something 1 and something 2
The Seller level can do something 2 and something 3

mr. John Doe is now Q manager
mrs. Julian Doe is sales person ..

however, in three months from now John retired and Julian, in addition to her sales position, is taking his position as QM.. now she must be able to do all 1-2-3..
The perfect option is to add another level to Julian (Sales & QM) and now she has both .

Afterwords, the structure remains just users can have one or more responsibilities.

If needed, I can give more detailed description, pict etc...


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