Problem after moving site to ISP hosting

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Posts: 6

Problem after moving site to ISP hosting

Post by kmanning »

I am having a problem with PHPMaker 12.04

I have designed my site, and it works fine locally using XAMMP but when I copy it to my hosting provider into a subdirectory called Management I get the error below:-

Unable to load user level from config file: /home/sites/{EA702EE0-2E4B-4E74-A90B-073B350F2C1E}.xml

(public_html is the root)

The correct path should be:-


Is this a bug with PHPMaker? Or is there something I missed somewhere? How can I fix it? It seems to work fine at home on XAMPP.

Many thanks in advance.


Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

Please make sure that you have uploaded all files and folders when you upload the site.

Posts: 6

Post by kmanning »

I had done that, however the email from your support team provided me with the answer, to make my application root and destination folder the same. Then everything worked fine.



Posts: 2

Post by afandiphd2 »

Hi Kmanning, I got the same problem while on the web
Could you please advise me what is your application root and destination folder?. TQ

is it root > public_html
destination folder ..> public_html/yourdirectory

Posts: 11793

Post by mobhar »

Usually and for simplicity, the "Application root folder" and "Destination folder" should be the same. It depends on how you define your website on the hosting provider.

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