A more readable project file

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Posts: 148

A more readable project file

Post by ppinto »

Guys, would you consider for future versions that the .pmp project file be indented and have line changes for each property?
I edit .pmp files a lot. Having multiple similar projects (but adapted to different clients), when I make a correction in one, it's easier to compare the .pmp files to spot the differences and update all projects than it is to do it though the PHPMaker interface.
Having those long lines of text makes it hard to compare the text.

Posts: 70

Post by fbachofner »

I really agree with this.

A nicely indented XML file showing hierarchies would not only help to maintain multiple (similar or dissimilar) project files outside of PHPMaker but would also likely allow better understanding of how projects work.

Posts: 9439

Post by Webmaster »

There is a new advanced setting "Format project file" in v12. It will indent the XML nodes (not the attributes).

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