put back titles on pages and remove breadcrumbs

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Posts: 1043

put back titles on pages and remove breadcrumbs

Post by sticcino »

this breadcrumb feature removed the titles that were printing on the pages which you knew what you were on, this is not the same as breadcrumbs-- this is just another short cut menu system, there is no clear indication of what you object you are on, you have to re-train your eye on this breadcrump and "read it"

please put back the printing of the pages that is currently being viewed (like v9)

Posts: 38

Post by cahilbey »


I agree with the statement above. From UX perspective, breadcrumbs don't solve the page identification problem in some cases. Since it's kind of a subtle pattern, it becomes confusing especially in master/detail view pages. As I see they're back in v12.

If you need page title back, put this line in \Program Files\PHPMaker 11\template\phpv110\list-script.php, somewhere above 'ewGrid' div:

<h4 class="ewCustomPageCaption"><?php echo $<!--##=gsTblVar##-->->TableCaption() ?></h4>

Posts: 9432

Post by Webmaster »

Implemented in v2017 as advanced setting.

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