Return Page - After Grid-Add

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Posts: 152

Return Page - After Grid-Add

Post by DGarza »

Inside Table -> Return Pages -> After Grid-Add I am putting the following URL as follows: http://ip/projectname/vformatosalidalist - vformatosalidalist is a phpmaker generated page.

What I was saying, is that the redirection to that URL, if it is doing it correctly, BUT the URL is still pointing to this URL http://ip/projectname/page?action=gridadd, and this is generating me a conflict, since I am also using the Master/Detail Edit (as Detail), by enabling this, I can select several rows at once, to edit one or more fields at the same time of all the rows I selected, but after selecting them and hitting the "Update Selected Records" button I get a popup that says "HTML form not found".

That is practically the problem, the only thing I want is that the URL after redirec,t I changed to the URL that I put in Table->Return Pages-> After Grid-Add

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

If you are not redirected to the return page you specified, that probably means you have PHP errors during Grid-Add. You better enable Debug, run again and check the log file for PHP errors.

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

Hi again, thanks for response, No, I activated the Debug, but there is no php error, everything works fine, and the redirection works fine, but I can see that it is sending me to the page I set. I mean what I want it to do, it does, the problem is that the URL does not change and this is causing me to have the other problem.

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

DGarza wrote:

the problem is that the URL does not change

I cannot reproduce. After Grid-Add the browser redirects user to the return page and the URL of the return will be shown in the address bar of the browser. Which browser are you using? Mobile or desktop?

You may try to reproduce the problem with the demo project, if you can reproduce, post how you set up the tables so other users can try to test.

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

arbei wrote:

Which browser are you using?

Google Chrome and Opera GX

Mobile or desktop?

Both, but more desktop

You may try to reproduce the problem with the demo project, if you can reproduce, post how you set up the tables so other users can try to test.

Okay let me do a couple of tests with the demo, and let you know if the same thing happens, thanks.

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

I made several tests already with the demo, and in the demo it works fine, I am not sure what is happening in mine, but it is just not working.
But it still happens what I say, that if redirects me to the page that I say, but the URL still points to: http://ip/projectname/pagelist?action=gridadd

It's strange, I'm not sure what to do

Posts: 152

Post by DGarza »

I found the problem, this is because I have the ajax action enabled, I'm not sure why, but I disabled the action only i that page, and it works perfect, just keep in mind.

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