How to always display Search textbox on Select2 control (v2023)

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How to always display Search textbox on Select2 control (v2023)

Post by mobhar »

This following trick will show you how to always display the Search textbox on Select2 control.

  1. Enable Requires search option under Fields setup -> Edit Tag pane -> choose Select -> SELECT Tag.

  2. Put this following code in Server Events -> Global -> All Pages -> Page_Head:

      ew.selectMinimumInputLength = 0; // Minimum number of characters required to start a search
      ew.selectOptions.minimumResultsForSearch = 0; // Minimum number of results required to display the search box
  3. Re-generate ALL the script files again, and enjoy the result.

Posts: 1

Post by kallul555 »

Thank you very much .

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