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sending email from view form

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 1:33 am
by sticcino

from a listview v2019

select "view details" - which displays master/detail form with 2 detail tables

table for documentsw is selected
"view" clicked on the document, which then fires up the documents "view" form
from that form

send email message -- ok first time

when you go back into the form the same process - the following appears:

Failed to execute SQL. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ew'; src: url("fonts/ew.eot?t39no9"); src: url("fonts/ew.eot?#iefixt39no9"' at line 20 (1064)

no clue what file or where its occurring, debug console shows not errors. it appears to be with the email form or routines.

Re: sending email from view form

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 8:02 am
by arbei
  1. So you have Master/Detail-View, but why would it send email? Do you have some server event to send email? If so, does the server event try execute SQL? If so, you may review your SQL.
  2. Where did 'src: url("fonts/ew.eot?t39no9"); src: url("fonts/ew.eot?#iefixt39no9"' come from? It is CSS. Did you try to save CSS in a table field?
  3. Why would the CSS in the SQL? Did you try to use the field as the primary key? You may review your table design.
  4. Did you try to use the audit trail extension to log "View" and "ViewData" into auto trail table? If so, try disable the extension first to determine if it was the cause.
  5. You may click Tools > Advanced Settings to enable Debug, generate the ewcfg15.php again and then try again, see if you can view the complete SQL.

Re: sending email from view form

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 4:49 am
by sticcino


we have an email queue system that all the messages get inserted into and then sent... forgot about the email audit.. a copy of the email content is saved to the audit table. because the message is using an html template for the message body, everything but the kitchen sink was part of the email->Body, hence those characters, and the field was not encapsulated with "", so it was failing on the inserts.

cleaned out the content so only the text is stored, all good.
