How can I inherit on table application to the other

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Posts: 182

How can I inherit on table application to the other

Post by sagmag »

I have 3 views from database and the different between their database is defined by the value of 1 column

View1 = SELECT * from table1 where catogorie='popo';
View2 = SELECT * from table1 where catogorie='huhu';
Vie3 = SELECT * from table1 where catogorie='kako';

the thing is for each of these view I have to make on application (Master-Details) because their details applications are different from one another
view1details = Select * from details1 ;
view2details =select * from details2;
and view3 doesn't have

So observing these my master views all of them have the same fields and same fields configuration but different applications.
Is there away I can set up view1 and make view2 and view3 inherit the field configurations from view1?

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

A simpler solution is to enable User ID Security (on the categorie field) so that users logging in with categorie='popo' with see only data from View1. You can then just use table1 as the master table for your application.

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