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Replacing the Breadcrumb

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:34 pm
by cavemanharris

I found a post where there is instructions to hide the breadcrumb

I cannot get it to work

Under "Code(Server Events.....)
i added the line below to
Client Scripts"
Pages with header/footer
Global Code

this is the code

It does not hide the breadcrumb...

I do realize that i can edit the Template and remove it there!. However? I would like to add custom text to each table to appear at the top where the breadcrumb is currently. Where in "Code(Server... " do i add the custom HTML for each of my tables

Re: Replacing the Breadcrumb

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:26 am
by arbei

cavemanharris wrote:
I would like to add custom text to each table to appear at the top where the breadcrumb is currently.

So you are trying to "replacing" (not hiding) the Breadcrumb with something else?

$('ul.breadcrumb').hide(); is correct, but you should put it in Startup Script, not Client Script.

To replace, google "jQuery replaceWith".

Put your code in Startup Script then try again.

Re: Replacing the Breadcrumb

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:05 pm
by cavemanharris

thank you.

I have managed to remove the Breadcrumb from the template master and it has solved my issue.
