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Lookup table for non foreign key fields

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:30 am
by montserat03

Is there a way for the lookup table to shows multiple fields (say 4 fields ) but after selected coming back with only the first field? (like the older version of combobox, especially when we need the fields in the lookup modal dialog only for the reference point )

In my workplace there are needs to search for example :
1) in the customer orders , I need to search for Item and I need to know how much the General Selling Price given by the Company.( so I use lookup ) but then..
after I choose I want to entry my own selling price .. and I don't want the General Selling Price to be shown in the entry form .. It's just for my reference selling price

2) in the Item receiving department.. there are needs to check / lookup the Outstanding Item Balance that's not received yet... but after we choose..we don't need that information to be shown in our entry form. we just needs to make sure that are still out standing balance ( reference point )

3) In the Billings department, when we want to put the last payment for an invoice.. we need to lookup how much the original total, amount payment sofar, and outstanding.. ( to make sure / reference point ) but in the order form we only need the invoice field

4) so many many more

Please help.

Thank u so much