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Menu Render Error Handling

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 10:42 pm
by elazarus3

In PHPMaker 12.x, if an error occurs during menu render, no error shown - can be very tricky to find errors - my menu script is several thousand lines long as the left menu is very dynamic (built a comprehensive medical record in phpmaker and menu has a lot of info).

Also, the addmenu item is not foolproof - I have a messaging system that shows the beginning of messages - certain character combinations in the menu text name can cause the addmenu script to crash, and again, no error is generated. So a staff sent me a message, and my system was bombed - took me hours to figure out it was because we use a ckeditor field for the messages, she had included a couple smily faces - their inclusion in the addmenu script bombed it.

Thanks for considering making it easier to find errors in add menu and better normalization of the variables passed to the addmenu function!