Field Duplication for Multiple Use

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Posts: 21

Field Duplication for Multiple Use

Post by xoxide102 »

Many times I'm saddled with problems using the same field for more than one thing.

For instance a ID that you wish to show the original as it should normally be and then use it again for a NEW purpose for instance like QC code or hyper link.

Its basically using or want to use the same field for 2 spate things without really creating a second row in your table.

This also is useful for attachments. If you have attachments in your system of mixed file formats. Displaying the link and then right next to it displaying an associated ICON for the file format (word, excel etc) and a THUMBNAIL IF its a photo would be beneficial to users.

Many users wish to recycle information for multiple purposes but find it difficult if completely not possible without simple instructions,.

adding a Multi Display option with Multiple purposes for that field with multiple attributes when selected would be of huge benefit.

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