Accumulative Calculation Table Value

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Posts: 2

Accumulative Calculation Table Value

Post by thend82 »

The accumulative Calculation Table Value is like this example:

Ekspor_ID | Dokumen_Impor | Dokumen_Ekspor | SQM_Impor |SQM_Ekspor | Total_Accumulative_SQM
1 | I1 | E1 | 2,361.60 | 1,324.80 | 1,036.80
2 | I2 | E2 | 3,361.20 | 2,056.20 | 2,341.80

3 | I3 | E3 | 4,420.50 | 1,600.20 | 5162.10

  1. Fields "(2,361.60) SQM_Impor - (1,324.80) SQM_Ekspor = (1,036.80) Total_Accumulative_SQM"

  2. and then from the resulted "(1,036.80) Total_Accumulative_SQM + (3,361.20) SQM_Impor - (2,056.20) SQM_Ekspor = (2,341.80) Total_Accumulative_SQM"

  3. and then from the resulted "(2,341.80) Total_Accumulative_SQM + (4,420.50) SQM_Impor - (1,600.20) SQM_Ekspor = (5162.10) Total_Accumulative_SQM"

Thank You very much.

Posts: 21

Post by xoxide102 »

I would like to see Field to Field Calculations formula based on field and math functions

then I would like that data to be stored in a row within a specific table or even a new table if we are running reports for the day .

I would like to se more advanced functions built in without the need to deal with having to program them with questionable output

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