Uploading DB Schema

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Posts: 3

Uploading DB Schema

Post by wizcom »

We had a server with a phpmaker project on it running go to server heaven. OK, restore backup. Nope because the backup was only backing up WordPress stuff (yes I know, shoulda verified it). Therefore there is no database. BUT, I have a local copy in phpmaker that is perfect (yes missing data, but better than nothing). I've tried synching - wipes out my local with the newly create empty db on the new server. Tried autosycnching - same. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do - take the local schema and put it on the server in that form?

Thank you in advance


Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

If you meant you tried to use the old scripts, make sure the connection info is the same as the old project. You better check the connection info in the old code. If your project was generated from recent versions, you may find the connection info in src/config.*.php. If you had Database_Connecting server event, you may find it in src/userfn.php.

Posts: 3

Post by wizcom »

Not quite. I am not using the old scripts. It's just that the database on the server was never backed up so there is no database on the new server. But, in PHPMaker (locally) I have the complete, correct database. I need to export it from PHPMaker to anything local. Then I can Upload it. The problem is that I cannot find any option to export the database in PHPMaker.

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

No, although the project contains basic information about the database schema (such as table/field names and data types), it cannot re-create the database.

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