Invalid CSRF Storage on file Upload in ubuntu Apache Server

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Posts: 18

Invalid CSRF Storage on file Upload in ubuntu Apache Server

Post by shahmasumzaman »

It shows : Invalid CSRF storage. Use session_start() before instantiating the Guard middleware or provide array storage.

the same codes are working in windows xampp server but not in ubuntu

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

Make sure PHP session is working properly on your server.

Posts: 18

Post by shahmasumzaman »

Exactly.... How would login have worked if session was not working... Do u any soulution ?

Posts: 9785

Post by arbei »

You need to provide more detailed information, just the error message is too brief.

  1. Which version of PHPMaker are you using?
  2. How did you do file upload? In which page?
  3. Make sure cookie is enabled for the site.
  4. Check your Cookie SameSite setting, if it is "None", make sure you also enable Cookie Secure and use HTTPS on your site.

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