Rotate caption of first 3 columns in list page

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Posts: 13

Rotate caption of first 3 columns in list page

Post by DavidLi »

Could anyone help me how to rotate the caption -90 degrees of the first 3 columns of specific table in a list page using CustomTemplateHeader.

  1. I have a functional user defined css style
  2. I found in the help that I have to use it in a section CustomTemplateHeader
  3. Since I am not a coder I don't know how. That's why I wanted to ask for help in the forum

My skills are not enough for this anymore :-(

Thanks fo any help

Posts: 9476

Post by arbei »

You do not need CustomTemplateHeader. You may google "css text rotation" fore more info. To add your own CSS styles to specific HTML element, you may read Inspect HTML element and add your own CSS styles.

Posts: 13

Post by DavidLi »

OK, maybe I'm wrong. So practically, how can I use a custom css class to change the first 3 column of headers when all columns of all tables have the same class (class="ew-table-header-caption") without using CustomTemplateHeader?

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