Make a user admin for a table using TablePermission_Loaded (v2022)

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Posts: 282

Make a user admin for a table using TablePermission_Loaded (v2022)

Post by mansour »

Is there possible to make a specific user ADMIN for a specific table using TablePermission_Loaded server event?

    $SupportStaff = Profile()->get("SupportStaff");
    if ($SupportStaff == 'Y') {
    $this->addUserPermission($this->currentUserLevelName(), "supportpanel", ALLOW_LIST);

in the above example ALLOW_LIST should be replaced with ???


Posts: 9384

Post by arbei »

It depends what permissions exactly you want to grant to the user .You can grant the admin permission (ALLOW_ADMIN for v2022) to the user, but note that it is not same as system administrator permission. You cannot make a user an administrator (like the super admin or any user from the Administrator User Level) by UserLevel_Loaded server event addUserPermission(). You may read User Level -> Important Notes on User Levels.

You can use TablePermission_Loading server event and grant administrator user level to the user by addUserLevel(), but note that when the users become administrator, the user can see everything, e.g. all menu items.

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