Base the value of a field in one table on a field in another table

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Posts: 23

Base the value of a field in one table on a field in another table

Post by rkopp01234 »

Hi there,

I was wondering how I can set the value of a field A in table A based on field B in table B?

Do I use events for this? Which code can I use?



Posts: 1123

Post by MichaelG »

If you mean looking up a value from another table, set up the Lookup Table.

If not, please explain more clearly what you are trying to do.

Posts: 23

Post by rkopp01234 »

I am trying to set the value of a field programatically without any user interaction, such as lookup tables, where the user selects a value manually.
The value of field A in table A should be set automatically to the value of field B in table B.

Hope this makes sense?

Posts: 1123

Post by MichaelG »

If you mean auto fill, please read the "Auto fill" section in Lookup Table settings.

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