Complex report and multiple List in one page

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Posts: 3

Complex report and multiple List in one page

Post by tonivabian »

Hi, all,

Before I decide to buy maker, I have a few questions:

  1. I have a very complex report that can't just be viewed from the view, so I have to call a stored procedure first to update the report results to a temporary table,
    how do I call a stored procedure sqlserver, and what event server do you do?
  2. I have a need to display several lists in 1 screen in a report, for example the first list table contains the product code, when a row is clicked,
    the list below shows a detailed list of the stock in the warehouse and any location. The question is how to display multiple List Tables in 1 screen?
  3. How do I call a page made with visual studio outside of maker?

Thank You,

Posts: 1123

Post by MichaelG »

  1. To run a stored procedure (e.g. in the Page_Load server event), please read:
  2. To show contents from multiple tables, you need to create a custom page:
  3. Again to create custom content, you should create a custom page.

To build the custom page content, you can generate the project first, then open the project with Visual Studio to edit the custom page content, before saving it later back to the project.

Posts: 3

Post by tonivabian »

Thank you, very useful, will try it later.

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