Inconsistency usage of jquery-migrate

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Posts: 11727

Inconsistency usage of jquery-migrate

Post by mobhar »

I would like to report a small issue about inconsistency usage of jquery-migrate between PHPMaker v2019.0.10 template file and PHPReportMaker 12.0.6 template file.

PHPMaker v2019.0.10 - template.php file:
<!--## if (PROJ.GetV("UseJqueryMigrate") || bAppCompat) { ##-->
<script>jQuery.migrateMute = true;</script>
<script src="<?php echo $RELATIVE_PATH ?><!--##=FolderPath("_jquery")##-->/jquery-migrate-3.0.1.min.js"></script>
<!--## } ##-->

PHPReportMaker v12.0.6 - rpt-template.php file:
<!--## if (PROJ.GetV("UseJqueryMigrate")) { ##-->
<script>jQuery.migrateMute = true; getScript("<!--##=FolderPath("_jquery")##-->/jquery-migrate-3.0.1.js");</script>
<!--## } ##-->

As we can see; in PHPMaker v2019.0.10 it uses "jquery-migrate-3.0.1.min.js" (the right one) while in PHPReportMaker v12.0.6 it uses "jquery-migrate-3.0.1.js" (file not found).

This will cause an issue if we enable "Compatibility Properties" option while combining PHPReportMaker project into PHPMaker project.

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