NpgsqlOperationInProgressException in master/detail View

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NpgsqlOperationInProgressException in master/detail View

Post by kirondedshem »

I am using postgresSql and ASP.NET maker 2018 but am getting this execption when accessing when I try to access the master/detail view page the error does not appear if am doing anything other normal list, add,edit and view page, but onec i access this page I run into this exception.

Ive forwarded my Issue to support as well as my project and database, but just incase someone here has ever encountered the following error

ASP.NET maker 2018.0.1
Database: postresSql 9.6
WIndows: 10 pro 64 bit
.NET Core 2.0

I have used phpmaker for quite some time now, but this is my first time with ASP.NET maker. so am well conversant with the structure so am sure i am setting things up correctly coz ive used master detail hundreds of time in alot of variations .

I have a project setup but am always getting some exceptions as well as wierd behaviour but mostly due to master/deatil view page(its the only one ive enabled so i dotn know yet if edit and add will have issues as well)

  1. I can not see delete buttons on details tables in master/detail view, ALTHOUGH Ive enabled dlete page in table settings as well as granted user permission to delete on all these detail tables ESPECIALLY the detail tables starting with vw_ the links to these pages are as below
    "/vw_all_employeesview/1?showdetail=employee_contract_information,employee_attachment,employee_next_of_kin,employee_homeaddress" and

  2. I get NpgsqlOperationInProgressException exception sometimes when I try to access any of the above master/detail View pages or just View page, system works fine while am on list pages. This can SOMETIMES be seen on both links indicated above.

  3. When I access the master/detail view page I sometimes can not see the filed contents on the list pages on the detail tables in master/detail view on both links, BUT I can see the view and edit list options, ALthough when i click them they say "No record found" error. This can be seen in one of the screen shots Ive attached.

  4. When I try to add new rows on detail tables in master/detail View with "Modal dialog" enabled for add page in table settings, the record adds well but the dialog says erorr 502 and wont redirect well to the master/detail view page i called it from.

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Post by Webmaster »

I can not see delete buttons on details tables in master/detail view

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Post by kirondedshem »

I can not see delete buttons on details tables in master/detail view
Thanks I can now see the delete buttons on both master/detail view pages.

BUT the following issue still remains

  1. When I access the master/detail view page I sometimes can not see the filed contents on the list pages on the detail tables in master/detail view on both links, BUT I can >see the view, edit, delete list options, ALthough when i click them they say "No record found" error. Although the master record is picked and renders well

To futher elaborate on this error, the view,edit and delete list options are missing the id of the record in thier generated urls. Below are examples of how the links look for a given detail table while in master /detail view


AS you can see they are missing the id of the record.

ALso on trying to follow it up in visual studio, I saw that the during Row_Selected event of any of the detail tables the row is null, eg below is var_dump for RecordSelected event of detail table "employee_homeaddress" while in master/detail view as detail table.

public void Row_Selected(Dictionary<string, object> row) {

//Log("Row Selected");


IT OUTPUTS as follows

"id": null,
"employee_id": null,
"pyhscial_address": null,
"home_phone_number": null,
"entry_date": null,
"last_modified": null,
"entered_by": null,
"modified_by": null

As you can see it has not loaded any contents of the row although it manages to detrmine how many rows are available in the db as it draws them in list page although thier data in all fields is empty and the list options have no IDs

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Post by Webmaster »

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Post by kirondedshem »

The rest seems to work but issue 4 still remains

while in master/detail view, i enabled modal dialog for all detail tables in add/edit/view. Now when I click on the add/edit button for any of the detail tables, the popup diaplays well, i fill the form and submit.

Now on submitting it should ideally close the modal dialog and goes back to the master/detail view page from which i clicked the button from.

The actual adding or editing works well as i see the results in the list BUT The modal dialog fails to close successfully and shows "Server Error : 404 Not found" for like a few seconds beofre it finally reloads the master/detail view page. This happens on modal add and edit of all detail pages called from master/detail view.

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Post by Webmaster »

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Post by kirondedshem »

Hi, Am always seeing Npgsql.NpgsqlException: 'The connection pool has been exhausted, either raise MaxPoolSize (currently 100) or Timeout (currently 15 seconds)' once in awhile. In visual studio the error points to the lines in the fucntions indicated below one after another everytime it happens

Npgsql.NpgsqlException: 'The connection pool has been exhausted, either raise MaxPoolSize (currently 100) or Timeout (currently 15 seconds)'

Database_Connecting(ref connstr);
var c = (N)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(N), new object[] { connstr });

// Create instance by class name

public static dynamic CreateInstance(string name, object[] args = null, Type[] types = null) {
Type t = Type.GetType(Config.ProjectClassName + "+" + name) ?? // This class
Type.GetType(Config.ProjectClassName + "Base+" + name); // Base class
if (types != null)
t = t.MakeGenericType(types);
#########################return Activator.CreateInstance(t, args);

Posts: 9438

Post by Webmaster »

Please update to the latest template (click Tools -> Update Template) again.

Posts: 641

Post by kirondedshem »

Thanks, It seems to have gone away for now

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