Lookup filter issue

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Posts: 2

Lookup filter issue

Post by shanejoan »

I am looking to filter a lookup table drop-down.
I have a customer, customer contacts and customer visits table.
For the customer visits table, I wish to filter the Customer Contacts info specific to that particular company. However, all Customer Contacts appears for all customers. I suppose I could create a view lookup for this, but am unsure if I am approaching the problem incorrectly. I tried to add the filter below for that particular drop-down field, which generated properly but ended up blank when it should not have (a customer contact existed for that particular customer. I'd be curious how to do this appropriately. Thank you!

FILTER field for the drop down (customer contacts) "[IDCustomer] = & <IDCustomer>.CurrentValue"

Posts: 9427

Post by Webmaster »

You should enter a phrase that evaluates to a proper SQL WHERE clause. For example, assuming <IDCustomer>.CurrentValue always return the ID of the current customer:

"[IDCustomer] = " & <IDCustomer>.CurrentValue

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