Master Detail cache issue

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Posts: 15

Master Detail cache issue

Post by lyctysplt »

I have an issue where I have 3 tables - Hardware, OSinstance and hardware_OSinstance - both hardware and OSinstance have a 1 to many relation with hardware_osinstance - and I've setup master/detail relations on both hardware and osintance to be able to view/add to the hardware_osinstance

The issue is - If I go in and simply view a piece of hardware - then go to the osinstance table and try to add or edit with the master/detail link - when I try to add to the hardware_osinstance table - it's hard coded to whatever the last piece of hardware I viewed was - where it should be a table lookup back to the hardware table.

Is there a way to clear out any 'cached' variables?

Posts: 258

Post by motfs »

You can add querystring "cmd=resetall" in URL to clear the variable, e.g.:


Posts: 15

Post by lyctysplt »

Yeah, I had tried that already - doesn't clear it

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