Auto fill field using Row_Inserting

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Posts: 98

Auto fill field using Row_Inserting

Post by JAW »

I want to populate a field from a different table based on the selection of another field. So I have the ResidentID and the ResidentName in a Residents table. I am inserting records for the Resident and I want to get the ResidentName from the Resident Table using the ResidentID when adding a record. Here is what I have tried but it is not working;

rsnew["ResidentName"] = ew_ExecuteScalar("SELECT * FROM Residents WHERE ResidentID = (Convert.ToInt32("rsnew["ResidentId"]")");

Can someone pleased tell me what is wrong with the code above. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Posts: 88

Post by vincenthung »

You need to concat the SQL string with the rsnew["ResidentId"].

Change your code as below then try again. (Assuming you are using C#)
rsnew["<Field Name>"] = ew_ExecuteScalar("SELECT <Field> FROM <Table> WHERE <ID Field> = " + Convert.ToString(rsnew["<Field Name>"]));

To debug your SQL, you can use ew_Response.Write() and ew_Response.End() to write your SQL to check it is work as your expected.

For example:
var sSql = "Select * From <Table>";

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