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Preserved keywords for field names

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:23 pm
by digitalphotoworld

Any field name which is existing in the keyword list will be added an underscore to the prefix in order to prevent using the same variable name. For example, if you use a field called email, it is on this list and the name is transformed to _email.

Recently it took me hours to figure this out as I tried to access this field in the server events.

Please add something in the fieldsetup that marks fields if the are transformed from the system. Perhaps you can use another color in the Field Name or add an asterisk etc.

Re: Preserved keywords for field names

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:09 am
by Webmaster

Now you can check the variable names in v2019, see Tools -> Database, Table and Field Variable Names in the help file.