Copy Static User Files while generating

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Posts: 9

Copy Static User Files while generating

Post by paolovergano »

Could be usefull having a way to copy static user files (even binary) to the project destination folder at each generation execution.

The static files should be included into the .pmp file (like custom files) so that all the parts of the projects will be stored in one single place, or could be referenced as a file link (like the site header logo file).

Custom files, as implemented in current version, does partially satisfy the requirement: it works for text files not having empty lines (which are removed during generation). Unfortunately for text files having empty line (like some certificate files .pem) and for binary files like images, it does not work.

Thank You.



Posts: 9427

Post by Webmaster »

Use the new "BeginGenerate" and "EndGenerate" event to write your code (in JavaScript for Node.js) to copy files, see "Using User Code" in help file of v2017.

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