Contact Form

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Posts: 182

Contact Form

Post by sagmag »

Does phpmaker have ready existing solution for contact form ? or I just have to build it myself?

Posts: 11709

Post by mobhar »

If you meant the Contact Form in the generated web app, then yes, you need to build it by yourself, either by using Custom Files OR generate it from the certain table in your Database.

Posts: 182

Post by sagmag »

If you meant the Contact Form in the generated web app, then yes

Is there any contact form in non generated web app? Which one is that?

Posts: 642

Post by kirondedshem »

If you mean contact form in a way that a user who has accessed the site, sees a menu item like, "contact us". which takes hiwm to a page which normally shows your physical address, phone numbers, your company email(baiscally info needed for person to ontact you).
Then ata the bottom you have an option where a user can fill in a form to submit a query to you dircetly like maybe you ask for his names, his email and waht his query his. Then when he submits the query is stored in some table where the admins can see it and act ont it reply to it etc etc.

If the above is what you want then NO phpmaker does not have a pregenerated feature of this sort.

BUT it can eb aesily done by(mobhar's suggestion). ie
-add a table to hold the user queries(maybe capture names, email and query_description).
-connect table to phpmaker and generate add page.
-add the add page as a separate menu item(so that when clicked it takes user to the add page of that table)
-Set return page after add to add page(such taht when a user submits a query he is taken back to same page).
-Allow add permissions to all userlevels of interest so that they can all access the page(You can even allow add for anoynymous users so that users can saccess it even if they dont have login access)

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