Dynamic upload folder creating issue

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Posts: 24

Dynamic upload folder creating issue

Post by anil »

I have set a field setup like this in "Field Setup -> Edit Tag -> File -> Upload folder"

when i use below code, subfolder is creating and file is going inside that. But when i edit the record, edit page shows File not found.

"uploads/" .$this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->CurrentValue."/"

When I use below code, subfolder itself not creating. File is saving into 'uploads' folder itself.

"uploads/" .$this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->DbValue."/"

How to solve above two?

Posts: 11

Post by mandlipalli »

i want Dynamic folder when i upload a file.for example if i upload file, it should save like( C:/wamp/WWW/MAIN FILE FOLDER/dyanmic folders ).
i used this code in "Field Setup -> Edit Tags -> File -> Upload" .$this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->DbValue. but doesnt work and it is uploading file in main folder itself.

i have tried all the given possible ways but nothing is working out and i didnt get the solution. i am using 2018v. Pls help me out. Thanks

Posts: 9384

Post by arbei »

when i use below code, subfolder is creating and file is going inside that. But when i edit the record, edit page shows File not found.
"uploads/" .$this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->CurrentValue."/"

The folder name should better not have the dot and the extensions, you can change the folder name to the filename without the extensions.

For example:
"uploads/" .substr($this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->CurrentValue, 0, strrpos($this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->CurrentValue,"."));

When I use below code, subfolder itself not creating. File is saving into 'uploads' folder itself.
"uploads/" .$this->UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME->DbValue."/"

If you refer to the Update() method of the generated code, the DbValue does not available in the update process, so your folder name becomes empty.

You can use $this-><Field>->Upload->FileName to get the uploaded file name during update. But in View Page or List Page, $this-><Field>->Upload->FileName will not have value, So you cannot get the correct folder name.

So you better write a global function (placed in server side Global Code) to get the filename in the different situation and then return it to the folder path.

For example: (Note: assume not multiple upload)

function functionname() {
$page = CurrentPage();
if ($page->IsInsert() || $page->IsUpdate()) {
$filename = $page-><Field>->Upload->FileName;
} else {
$filename = $page-><Field>->CurrentValue;
return substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename,"."))

Then you can setup the folder path as : "upload/" . functionname() . "/";

But the better way is not to use the filename as the dynamic folder name as the folder will unnecessarily varies with the file name.

Posts: 11

Post by mandlipalli »

Thanks for help...It works

Posts: 14

Post by napalm »

this is very interesting.

How can I have uploaded files inside uploads/ID/filename.ext if ID not exist on Add ?

Posts: 24

Post by bioaroma »

It seems that this is for old version pf phpmaker

I want to save files in folder that are created dinamically
Let say I have mysql table

name varchar 255 [John]
file varchar 255 [documents_of_john.pdf]
Can you tell me for new phpmaker how to save files in location like this

(that is stored in name field of mysql table mentioned above)
more precisely the folder structure will be like this
Can you tell me what should I add in the path of the folder?

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