Removing "Record Status Changed" from Email_Sending function

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Posts: 5

Removing "Record Status Changed" from Email_Sending function

Post by vesser »

Hello everyone, thinking that this one might be an easy one.

When using the Email_Sending function, when receiving the email from the function at the top of the email I get something like this:

Record status changed as follows:
Key value: 74
Action: Inserted

// Email information then is correct from the below.

I'd like to eliminate the top part on the table and key value.

Thanks in advance. Here is a version of my code:

// Email Sending event
function Email_Sending(&$Email, &$Args) {
//var_dump($Email); var_dump($Args); exit();

if (CurrentPageID() == "add") { // If Add page
$Email->Recipient = ""; // Change recipient to a field value in the new record
$Email->Subject = "[ID is : " . $Args["rsnew"]["internal_ID"]."] Project added" ; // Change subject 

//$Email->Subject = "Giving this a subject"; // Change subject

$Email->Content .= "<BR><BR><BR><table border='1'>
<td><b>Engineer name(s)</b></td>
<td>". $Args["rsnew"]["username_email"]."</td>

<td>". $Args["rsnew"]["task_name"]."</td>

<td>". $Args["rsnew"]["region"]."</td>

<td>". $Args["rsnew"]["requester"]."</td>

<td>". $Args["rsnew"]["priority"]."</td>

return TRUE;

I'd get something in email that looks like this:

Record status changed as follows:
To: User

Table: bla_table
Key value: 74
Action: Inserted

Engineer name(s): bla
Description: Test
Region: _Global
priority: Normal

Thanks in advance everyone.

Posts: 11702

Post by mobhar »

Simply change this code:
$Email->Content .= "<BR><BR><BR><table border='1'>

to (remove dot before the "=" sign):
$Email->Content = "<BR><BR><BR><table border='1'>

Posts: 5

Post by vesser »

Thank you that was perfect! Details Details..

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