Styling buttons, etc.

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Posts: 13

Styling buttons, etc.

Post by SiteCrafter »

I am trying to get everything looking "just right" before previewing my first project to a new client. This project is using the HTML theme which comes with PHPmaker called "Glass" which works well with a purple header and footer. The buttons, icons on the right of list pages, and current left menu item all seem to remain blue regardless of which theme I select and that looks rather "out of place" on a purple & teal theme.

I have scoured the color settings and haven't been able to find where I might affect the color of these 'blue' items. Could you please provide me with some info on where I might change those from blue to another color more consistent with the customized theme?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!

Posts: 13

Post by SiteCrafter »

So the buttons, active left menu item, and buttons are all based off the Primary "Brand" color in Bootstrap. Because some of these items are shaded with a gradient, it's not just a change to the absolute color but a change to the color within the darken() in the css.

I found it - hope this helps someone else!

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