Return Pages After add and After edit in Modal dialog

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Return Pages After add and After edit in Modal dialog

Post by mobhar »

As we've already known, PHPMaker v2017 has the ability to display "Add Page" or "Edit Page". Just enable "Modal dialog" option from "Table" setup -> "Table Options" -> "Add Page", and from "Table" setup -> "Table Options" -> "Edit Page" respectively.

However, the Modal dialog will not be used when we setup "Return Pages" -> "After add" -> "Add Page" option, and "Return Pages" -> "After edit" -> "Edit Page" option. The return page will display the normal "Add Page" and "Edit Page" respectively.

That would be better if the return pages should display the "Add Page" and "Edit Page" in the modal dialog window respectively, if the "Modal dialog" option is enabled above. Thoughts?

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